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Creating a Timestamp response

In this example, you will see how to create, parse and verify timestamp responses.

import * as pkijs from 'pkijs';
import * as asn1js from 'asn1js';

// Generate random serial number
const serialNumber = pkijs.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(10)).buffer;

// Create specific TST info structure to sign
const tstInfo = new pkijs.TSTInfo({
version: 1,
policy: tspReq.reqPolicy,
messageImprint: tspReq.messageImprint,
serialNumber: new asn1js.Integer({ valueHex: serialNumber }),
genTime: new Date(),
ordering: true,
accuracy: new pkijs.Accuracy({
seconds: 1,
millis: 1,
micros: 10
nonce: tspReq.nonce,

// Create and sign CMS Signed Data with TSTInfo
const cmsSigned = new pkijs.SignedData({
version: 3,
encapContentInfo: new pkijs.EncapsulatedContentInfo({
eContentType: "1.2.840.113549.", // "tSTInfo" content type
eContent: new asn1js.OctetString({ valueHex: tstInfo.toSchema().toBER() }),
signerInfos: [
new pkijs.SignerInfo({
version: 1,
sid: new pkijs.IssuerAndSerialNumber({
issuer: cert.issuer,
serialNumber: cert.serialNumber
certificates: [cert]

await cmsSigned.sign(keys.privateKey, 0, "SHA-256");

// Create CMS Content Info
const cmsContent = new pkijs.ContentInfo({
contentType: pkijs.ContentInfo.SIGNED_DATA,
content: cmsSigned.toSchema(true)

// Finally create completed TSP response structure
const tspResp = new pkijs.TimeStampResp({
status: new pkijs.PKIStatusInfo({ status: pkijs.PKIStatus.granted }),
timeStampToken: new pkijs.ContentInfo({ schema: cmsContent.toSchema() })

const tspRespRaw = tspResp.toSchema().toBER();